Thursday 3 December 2015


Costume and Props

Some ideas of what kind of clothing are shown below.

The costumes we will be using are along the lines of smart casual or just plane for example the use of suits and dresses. Of course I cannot show exactly what we will be filming with but suits pea coats dresses and the like. We are dressing our detective in a suit and pea coat with the collar turned up to create the connotation of mystery and perhaps of a romantic period in film history. Under the coat he'll be wearing a white shirt and bracers smart suit trousers and oxfords or brogues depending the actors choice. The love interest will be dressed still smart but a little more causal a shirt and jeans with braces if the actor chooses. Finally our murder will be dressed in black to create the idea of anonymity we hope to try and stay ambiguous when it comes to gender but there are limitations when it comes to how non descriptor we can make her however it would help to enhance the mystery.

Some ideas of the costume elements that we plan to use are shown below:

Monday 30 November 2015

Shoot time table

Shot numbers
Notes and actors
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Dry over cast
8, 9 and 10
Dry over cast
Rosie and Tom
6, 7 and 11
Drizzly overcast
Dan and Oli

This is the time table for shooting we will be following the notes have been added after filming.


We want to try and create the sense that our main character is being followed or stalked by the camera, we don't want to do this to insight any form of fear but instead use it to give the idea that no one is to be trusted and that the walls have eyes and ears. You can probably see some of these themes coming out in our story board. In order to active this kind of feeling we want to use some fad in and outs. For example we are tracking parallel to where our main character is walking and as he passes out of view and the screen is filled by a full shot of a brick wall we will fade out to black then back out of black in a different shot for example the detective walking away from the camera. At the very end of the film opening we want to have again a fade to black and have a poof of steam or smoke cross the screen to reveal the title, Dark coffee, to active this we can likely just use a CGI inbuilt or tutorial in sony vegas the editing software we intend to use. Beside from some of these more complex and difficult shots we will be using normal cuts but also some cut aways from the murder walking down a lane to his crime and then back again.

Script Draft

All of our dialogue is spoken my a narrator in the style of 1950's radio show presenter. Because of this we won't have a range of people that speak. The following is the draft for the script. Also as you will see below we have settled on the name dark coffee

Dark Coffee

*Fade in from black as sound track begins*
*Dan is walking the streets of portishead*

Archie: Portishead …. a dirty little seaside town, once the jewel of the south west, it’s since fallen into the gutter and now swims with the same filth and villainy as our cousins over the sea. We once walked in the garden of eden amongst those perfect trees, ascended the stairs to heaven and  were held in the arms of the angel yet no more … But all is not yet lost, one man Detective Frost, on loan from scotland yard, has just arrived,  and is going to check on his lover’s well being, their love is unknown and could get them into trouble with the locals. SPeaking of the locals, the town is in a state of panic. a series of murders have taken place and the killer, or killers, are still at large The details of these murders could turn the stomach of a hardened detective. while in other news the *click …. static …. silence*