Thursday, 3 December 2015
Costume and Props
Some ideas of what kind of clothing are shown below.
The costumes we will be using are along the lines of smart casual or just plane for example the use of suits and dresses. Of course I cannot show exactly what we will be filming with but suits pea coats dresses and the like. We are dressing our detective in a suit and pea coat with the collar turned up to create the connotation of mystery and perhaps of a romantic period in film history. Under the coat he'll be wearing a white shirt and bracers smart suit trousers and oxfords or brogues depending the actors choice. The love interest will be dressed still smart but a little more causal a shirt and jeans with braces if the actor chooses. Finally our murder will be dressed in black to create the idea of anonymity we hope to try and stay ambiguous when it comes to gender but there are limitations when it comes to how non descriptor we can make her however it would help to enhance the mystery.
Some ideas of the costume elements that we plan to use are shown below:
Monday, 30 November 2015
Shoot time table
Shot numbers
Notes and actors
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Dry over cast
8, 9 and 10
Dry over cast
Rosie and Tom
6, 7 and 11
Drizzly overcast
Dan and Oli
This is the time table for shooting we will be following the notes have been added after filming.
We want to try and create the sense that our main character is being followed or stalked by the camera, we don't want to do this to insight any form of fear but instead use it to give the idea that no one is to be trusted and that the walls have eyes and ears. You can probably see some of these themes coming out in our story board. In order to active this kind of feeling we want to use some fad in and outs. For example we are tracking parallel to where our main character is walking and as he passes out of view and the screen is filled by a full shot of a brick wall we will fade out to black then back out of black in a different shot for example the detective walking away from the camera. At the very end of the film opening we want to have again a fade to black and have a poof of steam or smoke cross the screen to reveal the title, Dark coffee, to active this we can likely just use a CGI inbuilt or tutorial in sony vegas the editing software we intend to use. Beside from some of these more complex and difficult shots we will be using normal cuts but also some cut aways from the murder walking down a lane to his crime and then back again.
Script Draft
All of our dialogue is spoken my a narrator in the style of 1950's radio show presenter. Because of this we won't have a range of people that speak. The following is the draft for the script. Also as you will see below we have settled on the name dark coffee
Dark Coffee
*Fade in from black as sound track begins*
*Dan is walking the streets of portishead*
Archie: Portishead …. a dirty little seaside town, once the jewel of the south west, it’s since fallen into the gutter and now swims with the same filth and villainy as our cousins over the sea. We once walked in the garden of eden amongst those perfect trees, ascended the stairs to heaven and were held in the arms of the angel yet no more … But all is not yet lost, one man Detective Frost, on loan from scotland yard, has just arrived, and is going to check on his lover’s well being, their love is unknown and could get them into trouble with the locals. SPeaking of the locals, the town is in a state of panic. a series of murders have taken place and the killer, or killers, are still at large The details of these murders could turn the stomach of a hardened detective. while in other news the *click …. static …. silence*
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Time table
Film as much as possible
Editing, plan more reshoots if necessary.
Editing Deadline
Audience feedback
Amend issues
Do not miss this one
Josh, George, Rosie, Tom/Emily
Archie voiceover
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Friday, 20 November 2015
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Survey Respones
From this survey I have learnt that the main reason people enjoy crime or noire thrillers is that they love the intense suspension and thrill. One of the most common genres that people cited as their favourite is action suggesting that in order to boost the popularity of this film I should tease some action. 66.7% said that they do enjoy film noir and crime thrillers which gives me the advantage of not having to introduce the genre to my audience. However I only had one person over the age of 18 answer my questionarie.
Monday, 16 November 2015
Getting permission to use Music
Music and Sound
We intend to use a voice over to give the audience an idea of the story and introduce the main character and his love interest. This also goes for the criminal we however of course the narrator won't be giving the identity away but will simply describe the crime he committed as it is shown on screen. We hope to use ambient diegetic sound to help add some degree of realism to the opening this could include the soft sound of waves or water moving in general the sound of sea gulls foot steps and breathing. We hope to avoid dialogue to give the story a sense of mystery and make up for a lack of experienced actors. We are hopping to use a song from the game Bioshock's sound track as the backing music as it fits with are nautical theme and neo-noire theme extra-ordinarily well. Finally the voice over will be done ether in a gruff detective voice as if the detective is recounting the story as he knows it so far to the audience or as a 40's/50's radio presenter as if it were a radio show giving an over view of the case.
The ambient or diegetic sound that might occur during filming won't greatly affect the quality of the film opening but of course it is difficult to say any of this for a certainty. However it's best to avoid any potential problems by simply not using any diegetic sound and completely muting the video we take and using the sound track as the only sound in the opening.
The back ground noise when the music isn't playing at the very end along with the voice over has been a point that we've been discussing a lot and we've decided to use a rain sound effect to emphasis the dark and moody atmosphere.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Location Of Shots
For most of the opening shots or tracking shots will be done in the port marine area.
We will be attempting to do the shots during at dusk kind of time to give a slight more dark and brooding tone which is common across a lot of noire film.
For the shots in which we show the criminal walking away from the crime he just committed by throwing the dead body into the water.
We will be attempting to do the shots during at dusk kind of time to give a slight more dark and brooding tone which is common across a lot of noire film.

For the shots in which we show the criminal walking away from the crime he just committed by throwing the dead body into the water.
This is the location for the first couple shots the angle and frame will also be similar to the one shown below.
This is the shot for the detective walking up the stairs and turning off to meet his lover.
Friday, 6 November 2015
Story ideas and overview
Weather season:
rainy/ foggy/ overcast
Built up area
Time period:
Grizzeled old cop
Love interest
Water based
The opening will be cutting between the murder/crime and the present day with the detective arriving and looking at the scene.
Over all story idea:
The over all idea for the film is a young but experienced detective has moved away from the city for undisclosed reasons with his lover. They arrive to work in a small fishing town far away from the loud bustle of the city however this town while appearing light and charming at day harbours a sinister underworld by night and our detective gets dragged into this spiral of crime that puts him and those he loves in danger.
rainy/ foggy/ overcast
Built up area
Time period:
Grizzeled old cop
Love interest
Water based
The opening will be cutting between the murder/crime and the present day with the detective arriving and looking at the scene.
Over all story idea:
The over all idea for the film is a young but experienced detective has moved away from the city for undisclosed reasons with his lover. They arrive to work in a small fishing town far away from the loud bustle of the city however this town while appearing light and charming at day harbours a sinister underworld by night and our detective gets dragged into this spiral of crime that puts him and those he loves in danger.
Noir sound
The use of sound in film noir was wide spread as film was still in it's early years and of course with out the tech we have today they had to rely on more primitive methods of building tension and suspense. The easiest and most effective way of doing this was to use sound.
One of the most famous uses of sound in early film to denote action without having to show it is the sound motif that accompanied a stabbing motion in Psycho.
In the intro to a lot of the film noir that i've been researching it seems to be an almost universal theme to have classical sweeping orchestral music to accompanying the opening shots this can be seen in my opening shot analysis of Brutal Force and Turning point which both follow this theme.
In scenes in which our hero, usually a private investigator or deceptive, is sneaking around mounting violins are used to build tension. This method has gone on to become almost a cliche in horror films.
When our hero is investigating someone or something it is normally accompanied by a sound track of slow smooth or bluesy jazz giving it a surreal feel and everything feeling slightly off and strange.
There is also a common use of voice overs and non-diegtic sound to allow us to hear the thoughts of the character without the actor having to do overly obvious actions to give us insight into his thoughts. Today this method has become out dated and we tend to leave the characters thoughts ambiguous to let the audience decide.
One of the most famous uses of sound in early film to denote action without having to show it is the sound motif that accompanied a stabbing motion in Psycho.
In the intro to a lot of the film noir that i've been researching it seems to be an almost universal theme to have classical sweeping orchestral music to accompanying the opening shots this can be seen in my opening shot analysis of Brutal Force and Turning point which both follow this theme.
In scenes in which our hero, usually a private investigator or deceptive, is sneaking around mounting violins are used to build tension. This method has gone on to become almost a cliche in horror films.
When our hero is investigating someone or something it is normally accompanied by a sound track of slow smooth or bluesy jazz giving it a surreal feel and everything feeling slightly off and strange.
There is also a common use of voice overs and non-diegtic sound to allow us to hear the thoughts of the character without the actor having to do overly obvious actions to give us insight into his thoughts. Today this method has become out dated and we tend to leave the characters thoughts ambiguous to let the audience decide.
Key figures and films in Noir
There have been many key figures and films throughout the history of film but in this case i will be focusing on iconic film Noir and the men and women that worked on them.
Key largo is rated number one on IMDB's film noir listing and was filmed in 1948 it follows the story of a man going to honour an old friend's memory at his hotel when a group of gangsters take the place over and wait for a hurricane to pass. It starred Humphrey Bogart who starred in many film noir including the famous casablanca which has become iconic in its own right and Maltese Falcon which is also a well known film noir. It was directed by the ten times oscar nominated John Huston who also worked along side Humphrey Bogart on many occasion including their work together on the Maltese Falcon.

The killers comes in at number two on IMDB's film noir popularity listing. When two hit men kill and unresisting man detective Reardon uncovers the man's past involvement which the beautiful, deadly Kitty Collins. Ava Gardner played the leading lady of Kitty Collins in The killers come and embodied the strong powerful and controlling leading ladies of the film noir era. The killers was directed by Robert Siodmark who spent most of his film career making film noir pieces and was well known for blending german impressionism with american methods for film making giving his films a unique feel.
Finally in third place on the IMDB popularity list for film noir is Sunset Boulevard, set in 50's hollywood where a silent film actress who believes that she is invulnerability has turned her into a recluse. She now only lives in her old mansion on Sunset Boulevard when a young small time writer becomes her lover it leads her down a maddening path that will end in murder and deceit. Again this film reflects the strong leading lady of the film noir era
Key largo is rated number one on IMDB's film noir listing and was filmed in 1948 it follows the story of a man going to honour an old friend's memory at his hotel when a group of gangsters take the place over and wait for a hurricane to pass. It starred Humphrey Bogart who starred in many film noir including the famous casablanca which has become iconic in its own right and Maltese Falcon which is also a well known film noir. It was directed by the ten times oscar nominated John Huston who also worked along side Humphrey Bogart on many occasion including their work together on the Maltese Falcon.

The killers comes in at number two on IMDB's film noir popularity listing. When two hit men kill and unresisting man detective Reardon uncovers the man's past involvement which the beautiful, deadly Kitty Collins. Ava Gardner played the leading lady of Kitty Collins in The killers come and embodied the strong powerful and controlling leading ladies of the film noir era. The killers was directed by Robert Siodmark who spent most of his film career making film noir pieces and was well known for blending german impressionism with american methods for film making giving his films a unique feel.
Finally in third place on the IMDB popularity list for film noir is Sunset Boulevard, set in 50's hollywood where a silent film actress who believes that she is invulnerability has turned her into a recluse. She now only lives in her old mansion on Sunset Boulevard when a young small time writer becomes her lover it leads her down a maddening path that will end in murder and deceit. Again this film reflects the strong leading lady of the film noir era
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Noir Mise-En-Scene mind map
This is a small mind map outlining some of the most common features of a film noir. Most of these themes we will be attempting to recreate in a neo-noir film piece
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
History and Context for Neo and film Noir
Film noir is a term used to describe the stylized genre of crime thrillers that were common in the 40's and 50's. It is easily recognizable by its low key lighting paired with black and white visual style. The term noir was first coined by the french critic Neno Frank however most film makers from the classical era were not aware of this term being used. Up until the 60's film noir were only normally produced by American company's it was only until the 60's and on wards did the style spread world wide. It included a heavy use of high and low angle shots to put a skewed and uneasy tone to the film adding a mysterious tone. The use of heavy jazz which was still popular at the time added a sense of sophistication. Common elements of Mise-En-Scene found in film noir are dark rainy streets and everyday locations. The use of sound in noir film has also become iconic such as the use of quite and silence as well as sudden jarring sound such as the sound motif that accompanied the stabbing in psycho. Finally the common themes that the majority of noir films were based on were crime, specifically murder and innocent people being forced into doing crime.
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