Monday, 16 November 2015

Music and Sound

We intend to use a voice over to give the audience an idea of the story and introduce the main character and his love interest. This also goes for the criminal we however of course the narrator won't be giving the identity away but will simply describe the crime he committed as it is shown on screen. We hope to use ambient diegetic sound to help add some degree of realism to the opening this could include the soft sound of waves or water moving in general the sound of sea gulls foot steps and breathing. We hope to avoid dialogue to give the story a sense of mystery and make up for a lack of experienced actors. We are hopping to use a song from the game Bioshock's sound track as the backing music as it fits with are nautical theme and neo-noire theme extra-ordinarily well. Finally the voice over will be done ether in a gruff detective voice as if the detective is recounting the story as he knows it so far to the audience or as a 40's/50's radio presenter as if it were a radio show giving an over view of the case.
The ambient or diegetic sound that might occur during filming won't greatly affect the quality of the film opening but of course it is difficult to say any of this for a certainty. However it's best to avoid any potential problems by simply not using any diegetic sound and completely muting the video we take and using the sound track as the only sound in the opening. 

The back ground noise when the music isn't playing at the very end along with the voice over has been a point that we've been  discussing a lot and we've decided to use a rain sound effect to emphasis the dark and moody atmosphere.

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